Birth Of The Eternal City (2)

- - One Week Later - -

It's now been a month since the founding of the Grand Duchy of Latinium, in this month the capital city has grown exponentially, due in part to a cheat of the system, if the commoners begin laying the foundations for a structure, Julius could use build points to complete the job but at a discounted rate.

Thanks to this dwellings were popping up at an advanced rate and now only a month after it's founding only a few still remain living in tents rather than proper homes.

Basic shops, markets, and workplaces had likewise been created as fresh life was breathed into this infantile city.

The people moods were beyond cheerful, and the present military forces were beyond disciplined they could only be described as a true professional force, the same could not be said for the entire Latinium armed force but even then the overall condition of Julius's forces was very impressive.

The city was something that if one truly new how long it had existed for Julius would be far from ashamed to show it off to other nations, however those that did not know would surely only mock that this place that could hardly be called even a city was the royal capital.

And so it was on this day the first chance appeared.

Julius was called to the Throne room by his Chamberlain Landers, as an Envoy of the Lunan Kingdom remnants had come before them.

"Announcing his The Grand Duke Of Latinium"

With this announcement, Julius garbed in a simple toga with a purple sash, and Golden Leaf crown, entered the room before taking his throne.

His Praetorians stood alert lining the walls, while Zeff, and Haddin took to his sides seated in their own chairs bowing their heads to their arriving lord.

The envoy on the other hand chose not to show reverence in the slightest, no kneeling, no bowing, not even a nod of the head.

As expected the surviving ruler of Lunan views me as an upstart who acquired a little glory and then got so full of himself to declare his own nation.

As Julius sat staring down the envoy sent, his Unit Appraisal was telling him more about the man than he'd likely be willing to reveal, and at the same time gave Julius the identify of this new Ruler of Lunan.


[Baron Roderick]

[Age: 34] 

[Martial Force: 40]

[Intelligence: 61]

[Command: 25]

[Affiliation: Baron of the Lunan Kingdom, Lord: Queen Hayna] ______________________________________

So it's happened then, Ronen is most likely dead or dying, and Hayna has taken over as the most senior authority now ruling what left of South Lunan, and the conquered Bridget kingdom.

An indecisive commander with power enough to make herself queen if Visigoth was not busy with wrapping up their war in the Herald Kingdom, and had they not lost so much of their force in their war with Julius this remnant would long since have fallen under the sword.

Neither party was willing to speak first so to get the ball rolling Julius chose to play the part of the foolish lord and act first, the first to speak typically shows ones subservience to the other, but who cares about face it is a useless thing meant only to stroke ones own ego.

"Welcome to the Grand Duchy of Latinium, what can we do for you Envoy of the Lunan Kingdom."

"Hmph, I come on behalf of her Royal Majesty Queen Hayna the first of her line, Hero of the Lunanese people, and by her authority we demand the return of these lunan lands to royal control."

"Tut Tut, so The kingdom has fallen so far, that an Envoy need no longer introduce oneself before making jokes."


"Your... Queen's demands, simply cannot be met, These lands were given to us by the hand of King Tutanka, and the first act of a new royal cannot be to undo the last command of the former, surely your Queen... knows enough about royal etiquette to not do such a foolish thing"

The regalness of Julius aided by his words caused the baron's face to flush full red.

What he said was true, however while the lands could not be taken, it could be said that these lands technically were still property of the Lunan Kingdom, by declaing his formation of a Grand Duchy was the same as declaring their independence and theft of these lands from the kingdom.

But rather than think calmly the Baron was outraged, this upstart who fancied himself a king was denying to order of a kingdom far grander than his own and one that has survived for hundreds of years.

"Listen brat, i don't care what games you play, but if you do not bend the knee Her Royal Highness will flatten these lands and spare not a single soul!"

"We understand, and accept your declaration of war! That will be all representative, guards escort this man from my realm!"

A month after it's founding, while the ink was still drying so began the first Latinium war.

The baron being dragged out of the palace by the Praetorians was beyond shocked at Julius's response.

Zeff, and Haddin were simply nodding their heads watching the proceedings.

"General Haddin!"


Snapping into a salute, Haddin looked to the Grand Duke for his orders.

"You are to join the First and Second Legions and give them this command, They are too invade The remnant kingdom of Lunan, One shall head into Bridget, while the other towards Lunan territory. They are to accept all forms of surrender, and not one commoner shall be harmed or so help me, they will suffer the worst punishment imaginable"

"It will be done Milord"

Offering up another salute before departing from the throne room,


"Yea boss?"

"We'll be taking the 3rd and 4th Legions ourselves, along with the 1st Fleet, prepare what you need and let the commanders know to assemble at Nova Carthage"

"Sure thing!"

Offering up a simple salute before he likewise set off to accomplish his tasks.

With this we'll be mobilizing 4 full legions, and the first fleet which would be roughly 1/2 our total number of warships.

The remaining ships will stay to protect our borders, while roughly 50,000 men shall be present to garrison the cities, towns, and national borderposts.

Hayna you should've left well enough alone, if not for your desires to see me underfoot, i would've left you be for a time, and dealt with Roserun first but since you've offered up your neck I'll happily take it from you.