Maritime Gambit

Julius's retaliation war against Lunan was happening with three prongs though only two were yet known to them.

The first was led by General Haddin who marched his legions north to the new border with Visigoth before sweeping the lands further west heading towards the new Lunanese capital.

The second prong was being led by General Fihatri who was marching his own legions east to reclaim all the lands of Bridget that had fallen into the Kingdom of Lunan's hands since he originally was the commander of the Lunanese Forces in the area he's also going to attempt to recruit these men while liberating the Bridget peoples from the harsh ruling of the Lunan nobles who staked claims to the conquered lands.

And lastly, the third prong or the hidden prong was being led by Julius and Zeff, alongside a volunteer force of Naval personnel from the Carthaginian survivors.

This third prong was going to skirt along the coast of Roserun and conduct a naval invasion of the new Lunan capital where most of the nobles and citizens fearing Latinium aggression would be heading.

The first and third prongs would catch them in a pincer attack, and if it works as a surprise they could also claim the Lunan naval forces along with a third port in which to house the fleets.

The grand fleet while powerful was too vast to be stored solely in Latinum, its available harbour space was limited and even should he cheat by using build points to extend the harbour out into the sea they would become limited still.

So with this expansion of land, the port cities of Lunan and Bridget were the most desired as a fleet kept at anchor in the sea itself was calling for that fleet to be destroyed by the sea's own wrath.

Finding new homes for his armada was the first point on his list, the second being the acquisition of more manpower to which he could enhance his own state, and last was the possible acquisition of further trump cards in the form of new military commanders, researchers or civil officials due to their strength in high-status levels.

The final point was the ongoing point which was to continue participating in battles to achieve greater rewards from war.

While he can gain points while just managing wars from his own capital the gains he'd achieve were far lesser, than if he participated personally in the battle.

The gains for experience and points were down to whether his forces were outnumbered, had lesser arms, his own enacted strategies for the battles, or the strategies of his appointed generals, and finally on if victories we achieved by those of lesser status against those of greater status in solo combat, a feat right now only achievable by Julius thanks in part to his Heavenly Demon Rain blade that boosts his power level without recognizing it as a true boost like normal weapons and equipment resulting in his ability to dodge death in his numerous fights thus far with greater enemies, but as the wars begin to erupt across the continent the level of many people will hastily begin to rise just like was witnessed in Miri when she was taught to read and write.

A strategic measure to gain valuable personnel is something Julius needs more than anything else right now, other nations are already well established and are enhancing what already exists, meanwhile, he is building from the ground up with all he can save from the Lunan Kingdom, but a good majority of it's best were lost in the war so new replacement need to be trained up soon lest their nation falls further behind the major powers soon to become their neighbours.



"We are approaching the final approach we must begin proceeding for the landings"

"Of course, as we are merely passengers please instruct us on the measures needed, once we've made landing remain on the ships or even take the ships away from the city to protect yourselves from possible harm, I doubt I could face Queen Serena should anything happen to her beloved people."

"Thank you milord, please join your men below deck then for your own safety we shall signal once the landing has been completed."

Having spoken so the Latinum soldiers milling about above deck were ushered below, those below began to set their gear and prepare for the invasion of the city.

"So are you ready for this?"

Looking down on the kneeling figure of Zeff whose hands were shaking a little, not from fear of battle but instead from fear of the ship, it was not the first time he'd sailed but still, he could not swim, their invasion was being conducted in secret but soon the city would be able to see the incoming number of ships and unless they were complete fools would begin to garrison the port defences, should those manage to breach the hull of a ship water would flood through and take the soldiers with it, the sailors would be luckier being above on the deck and dressed lightly for mobility but as for the soldiers wearing their full armour even were they to attempt to strip themselves of their gear they'd drown long before they could succeed.

Even Julius himself who knew how to swim thanks to his former life was barely able to swim fully equipped so long as he utilized his perk ability which meant none of his men would be able to survive as none of them possessed a power level greater than 100 not even Zeff.

Trapped below the wooden deck hearing the waves crashing against the hull, the stomping of feet above their heads as the sailors ran about fulfilling their tasks.

Dozens of minutes later the noises above changed, from the sounds the city was attempting to repel the incoming fleet of ships.

Surely the city must be going crazy as only one nation this side of the continent would have ships of this magnitude, to have come under land attack by Latinium and then to find out that Carthage was secretly their ally.