Duel Of Honor: Julius vs. Baldwin

The battle was progressing nicely, the Germanic lines had already begun to falter, hours of fighting had long since taken their toll and the morale of this opposing force had fallen greatly.

With the walls near the port taken the missile fire was now aimed against them as the Legionnaires posted on the walls began to rain down arrow and javelin fire upon the forces that once held that advantage and without the large shield to form up they fell as easy prey to these troopers.

The rest continued their way down the walls clearing them of combatants and taking up posts at stairwars, towers, and gatehouses they came across along the way.

By this point 1/3 of the walls had fallen to Latinium hands, and roughly 25% of the city itself.

It was at this point that the opponent would need to throw in their trump cards if they had any and just as this thought crossed his mind a shout came from the frontline

"I am Baldwin Fryee! Commander of these honourable warriors and as such do declare a challenge to the Carthaginian commander for a 1-1 fight the winner will claim the losers subordinates as his own, a true duel on the field of honour!"



Unit Inspection


[Baldwin Fryee]

[Age: 18] 

[Martial Force: 92]

[Intelligence: 63]

[Command: 85]

[Affiliation: Shieldbearer of the Germanic Confederation]

[Loyalty: 80]


Well, his stats are not that bad, he'd make for a decent general assuming his claim of subordination is true, many characters would feign obedience only to backstab later on, at least until an excess of 100 loyalty was attained but this man at present has 0, since the loyalty displayed would be his loyalty towards that which he is affiliated.

"I am Julius leading commander of this present force, I hereby accept your challenge to single combat"

Having strode through his legion formation Julius issued his agreement to the challenge and doing so activated the 1-1 system which created a perfect dueling space with only the two of them within.

Julius was armed with a large shield similar to his own forces, and a simple spatha longsword in his other hand, his opponent on the other hand was armed with a simple curved single-handed axe and round shield.

"Oye an here I thought you Carthaginians wouldn't accept a land combat challenge?"

"Oh? And I might not've if I was a citizen of Carthage, but believe me to be shocked to find an army of Germania occupying a Lunan city all while we are engaged in a war with such a state for the reunification of its territories."

"Uh! Wait you mean your Julius of that Grand Duchy Latinium?"

"You've heard of us then?"

A smirk crossed his face, as the Shieldbearer's own face seemed to pale, for his army had already engaged and in some cases probably killed the forces of Julius who was known by reputation to be a formidable foe, and one who went all out in retribution against his men.

"So...? Are you done with words? or would you like to continue prolonging this fight in front of all your men?"

Behind him the Legionnaires were all holding their stomachs trying not to laugh while the Germanic warriors were further riled up seeing their great commander being mocked as a slight on his honour, he who was the one to call upon a sacred 1-1 to save the lives of his own men from meeting more death in this unfavourable battlefield.

"We fight! We shall continue till one cannot fight any longer or dies agreed!"


Well, I could end it in an instant but where is the fun in that and it could be seen by his men as being unhonourable resulting in them breaking the pledge of suborination following his victory.

So in the beginning of the fight Julius fought with the Spatha sword in his dominant hand while hidden behind his shield Heavenly Demon Rain was clutched in his off-hand.

While doing so he could not fully utilize his shield for moves like a shield bash but with his power level soaring above Baldwin's he could fight as if the enemy moved in slow motion not using the [Attack] command at all which would utilize all his power at once.

After a good couple of minutes exchanging blows, Baldwin appearing to be out of breath and Julius who had a stream of sweat running from his forehead clashed once more except that Julius's blade finally snapped under the relentless assault of the axe, but even following through the blade did not reach his person.

Having briefly disengaged he moved and drew his hidden blade, which granted him a smile from Baldwin at the thought this fight would continue rather than having the man bow out just cause his weapon broke.

But in the next instant his expression broke, Julius who was just in front of him had disappeared.

Julius hadn't really but using his full power he dashed and lunged out with the hilt of his sword.

Evading the waiting battered shield and driving the tip home deep into the mans sternum, a significant cracking sound could be heard as his ribcage struggled to contain the crushing blow.

Having taken the hit and it finally registering in his lagging mind, Baldwin fell to his knees, dropping his arms to the ground as his hands instinctively went to his chest while he coughed struggling to breath.

Beside him Julius stood with his blade casually placed on the neck of the now kneeling Baldwin his face not looking at the fallen man but instead to the Germanic forces ahead of him.

Their cheers had gone silent.

The duel was done, and they had lost.

The army knew the choices, honor the terms and surrender, or charge in now to save the Shieldbearer but in doing so lose their honor and anger the gods for their breaking of an oath, earning every man present the title for life as an oathbreaker...