Tideshore's Transformation

The warships had traversed the sea and their docking at the port city of Tideshore was being conducted, as the city had already fallen under their control this time around Julius and Zeff could watch the docking proceeding as they slowly slipped their way into the harbour.

The men who once more glad to be on dryland save for a few who asked for leave from the army to continue training under the sailors as the first Latinium naval forces to which Julius readily gave them permission.

These initial trainees would be invaluable as a series of naval academies were planned to train up proper sailors but aside from Carthage trainers would be needed so having experienced soldiers dually trained in naval tactics could allow for the formation of a marine squad, one trained for both land and sea combat.

An elite assault force If you will just like the Marines of Earth.

For now, losing a few dozen legionnaires to become naval personnel and possibly future naval officers and captains was a much-needed thing.

With two established port cities the creation of new ships would also be possible and the new ships would be created using the height their technology would presently allow.

The ships in question would be Assault Class Hexareme's capable of being rowed or sailed, and each with a pair of torsion catapults along with multiple decks allowing for the transport of a complete cohort per ship, and an iron ram being used allowing for these Assault ships to easily penetrate into the hulls of other navies levelling the playing field.

Tideshore was a less established port city than Intin as the last king of Bridget and his predecessors cared only for military power and not for economic might, so when the citizens decided to found the port city allowing them access to the sea both for trade and food reasons the king provide no aid and as a result, the city was established but grew incredibly slowly.

But that time was over, this city now belonged to Julius and he was prepared to throw his total support behind this city to develop it into one that rivalled or possibly even surpassed Intin.

Beginning with the expansion of the port, this was accomplished in the same style as the one he'd created in Intin, and so in the span of a few hours, the port facilities of Tideshore were easily more than quadrupled.

Once entering the city the creation of identical Merchant, Travellers, and other guild builders were erected along with a City hall, Military barracks and other assorted resources that would enhance the city's growth.

Their arrival also came with it the arrival of economic stimulus as the legionaires bought up goods, souvineers, and other items with their salaries whilst Julius and his administrative team divy'd up the share of spoils gained in the war.

This amount was lesser than the share given to the peoples of Lunan but most of Bridgets wealth had been stolen by the North Lunan's and only a portion was taken into the southlands so the true wealth of the nation was really in Visigoth's hands.

The return of even a portion of this was greatly appreciated.

And compared to the tyrant kings who'd ruled before and the Lunanese nobles to ruled with an iron fist the people easily accepted Julius's rule and their incorperation into the Grand Duchy.

Similar state projects were beginning with decent pay being given as roadways were started connecting all area's of the nation and allowing for a highway route to the new captial.

And a series of forts were being erected on the borders and attached lands.

Each fort was planned to possess a single large tower with a brazier atop it allowing for long distance signals to be conducted allowing for rapid transmission of knowledge beyond that of the current Carrier Pigeon, or Horse messenger.

Thanks to the recent growth of their mining industry as well, the possible transmission of multiple message could be conducted by pouring specific substances into the fires.

Just like how fireworks were created on Earth, by using the same elements with a burning flame a number of different messages could be sent a span of hundreds of kilometers in a matter of minutes.

A regular flame could mean, Alert, while a Green Flame could be situation normal, Blue would be Urgent assistance required etc.

Since through testing Julius learned that this was the limit upon which he could cheat since when trying to develop Morse code through the use of lantern lights the system prevented anyone from Julius himself understanding what was happening.

But the color of flame was something akin to smoke signals and that fell right into the available list of technologies he could deploy.

Each fort would house a single cohort, and upon their signal surrounding forts could send in reinforcements, all while the presence of these forts and legionnaires would allow for regular patrolling, and policing of the lands preventing possible buildup of bandits and exterior forces.

Through this systematic placement of forts even with his [World Map] Skill Julius would be able to rapidly respond to any situation and allow the full legions to reside within the main cities only being sent out during aggressive actions or in defensive response to signals provided by the forts.

The patrols performed would also maintain and instill a level of stamina expected of the legions as Julius wanted to achieve the same result as the Legions of Earth or exceed them thanks to the boosted power levels being possible.

So the basic target for now is 30km per day with the true target being 50km or even greater.

With such rapid movement by their forces, they could easily outmaneuver enemy forces or redeploy themselves before enemy scouts could figure out what was happening or allow the scout to report one thing only for the real situation being vastly different hours later.


Grand Duchy Of Latinium

[Tech Points] 34

[Build Points] 303

[Edict Points] 2

[Current National Relics]

[Population] 14,672,673

[Military] 81,000



 [Peoples Spirit] 97 

 [War Support] 90 

 [Food Production] 52 

 [Industry] 27 

 [Reasource Collection] 45

 [Lunania] - Intin 

 [Peoples Spirit] 78 

 [War Support] 60 

 [Food Production] 23 

 [Industry] 11 

 [Reasource Collection] 31

 [Nitraea] - Sigate 

 [Peoples Spirit] 75 

 [War Support] 55 

 [Food Production] 27 

 [Industry] 15 

 [Reasource Collection] 27

 [Brigandia] - Tideshore 

 [Peoples Spirit] 82 

 [War Support] 70 

 [Food Production] 37 

 [Industry] 18 

 [Reasource Collection] 28



Grand Duchy Of Latinium Tech Tree [34] -32 

[Civil Tech]

 Stage 1; 

 Theology [0/3] 

 Civil Service [1/5] 

 Currency [1] 

 Engineering [2/3] +1 

 Metal Casting [3/5] +2


[Military Tech] 



