The Founding Of A Nation (3)

The introduction of his chosen new technologies went off without a hitch, in fact, Julius was the only one who seemed surprised at all.

The commoners and even his noble retainers all simply accepted the coins and didn't notice a change at all, some even bragging about how no other nation out there would have coins like these.

The system it seems is truly terrifying.

So next on the agenda would be the foundation of Julius's capital city, but he could not use the old Imperial capital's name, no not now at least so instead, he informed his retainers about his desire to found what he called "The Eternal City" so with a company of his Praetorians, Yuri, Zeff, and Miri set off from the port city of Nova Carthage and arrived at a location most befitting Rome's resurrection a plot of land central to their territory with 7 sprawling hills just like the 7 hills of Roma.

Having arrived after a few hour's ride by horse back Julius gazed around, to his company he seemed to be lost in thought and in awe of his surroundings but really he was busy utilizing his system his build points are limited but the first building as selfish as it might seem was going to be his Palace.

The first building in the game was always free to purchase, and that is of course because the first building would be one to cement the ruler's authority over their people.

The Palace was a building that normally cost 2000 points minimum but with this one action Julius would gain a free home, now all that was left would be the choice of where to build it.

Without much hesitation Julius chose the center of the 7 hills just like his predecessors on Earth, the Palatine Hill if you will.

A heads-up 3-D displayed palace appeared in his view allowing him to rotate or move the building around until his final choice was made.

With the choice made the 3-D image slowly became more solid before his eyes, until there before his eyes was not a projection but instead a fully formed and functional palace was before him now.

Again he was shocked that the building appeared out of nowhere but more so shocked that the people who came with him seemed to not care that a building appeared out of nowhere.

In fact, they all began to question why the Grand Duke was not entering his palace.

Could they all not tell this was a palace built literally in the middle of nowhere?

Oh well, next would be establishing the base city walls to protect our new city and allow the Eternal flame to not blow out at a mere whisp of the wind.

Accessing the build system once again Julius selected the defence section and from that walls.

At first, he wanted to go for proper stone walls but with only the build points available to him the circle of walls he could create would only encircle his palace itself.

Dropping down to lesser walls he chose to go for a packed dirt wall that was only 6ft in height being far less defensible the construction of a vast wall was possible, but the wall itself was not straight following some basic lessons learned from history, with sections jutting out creating points where an assaulting force could be attacked from three sides just by reaching the wall itself, later this juts would be upgraded to become towers which different from walls would be unassailable themselves.

This simple wall covered all 7 hills, and basic gateways allowed entrance or exit from one of 18 places along the wall.

This simple wall stretch around a significant stretch of land cost him 25 build points, leaving only 2 left, except that in the morning hours, the point total had increased by 2 as well.

The next building of choice would be a dirt road which would allow the creation of a proper grid formation for his new city, and allocation of plots of land within the city walls.

But for now, he must be patient until more build points accumulate.

In the game, resources were gathered and buildpoints generated so, it stood to mean that even here his people's gathering of Stone, Lumber, and Iron would generate build points for him to use.

But since his build points were for the time being used up, he ended his gazing out at the landscape, entering the new palace his Praetorians taking up guard at its entrance while Yuri, Zeff, and Miri followed Julius within.

"This my friends will be our Seat of power, my new Palace."

The design was taken from the game system not created exclusively by Julius so aside from the basics he would only make a fool of himself by providing a tour.

Leading the troupe forth through the entranceway until they came upon a grand door which when opened brought them into a throne room, at the end raised up on steps was a throne of marble, ornate in a standard Roman fair, an eagle spread wing above the seated persons head, while the light of the sun topped the throne.

After entering, and mostly wanted to try it out for himself.

Julius took a seat upon the solid marble throne, but unlike sitting on stone it was more like sitting on a marshmallow, never before had he been so comfortable.

The other three took up other stone seats that lined the walkway up to the throne, Yuri taking his left handside, Zeff his right, and Miri sitting next to Zeff.

"You truely look like a King now."

She remarked a notable blush upon her cheeks as she continued to take glances at the Grand Duke from the corner of her eye.

Miri's eyes were wide open as she continued to gaze around the throne room, this being the grandest room she'd ever seen even counting all the room's she'd explored in the Carthaginian Palace.