So It Begins

Julius watched from his position overlooking the entirety of the battlefield of his choice.

Arrayed before him was the Greecian allied force of one hundred thousand men, and on his own side was merely five thousand the numbers alone made it seem like a lost cause, but the numbers were far from all that mattered in this fight.

Julius had chosen the location of their battle for it's defensive position this hill would be his equivalent of Thermopaly or troy where his vastly larger enemy would fail to prevail over it's underdog opponent except without the similar fate of dying just when victory was finally within his grasp of course.

As the Greecian's finally entered into range of their bows, the heads up display alerted Julius to the enemy's true numbers.


Battle Commence;

[Greecian Alliance Army: 106,128]

[Romanus 2nd Legion: 5,036]
