Interlude - Visigoth

"what news have we received?"

The young emperors request echoed throughout the grand hall.

Ministers and nobles scrambled to answer the emperors request.

"Sir, The herald kingdom has fallen entirely, the imperial army has the situation almost completely under control at this point."

"So the 4th can be brought back then?"

The emperor of course was referring to his 4th warlord, the greatest of his fighting forces, worth an entire army all on their own.

"Yes, your majesty, the army should be more than capable of dealing with the remaining rabble even without the 4th to lead them."

"Good, now what about the news on him..."

The him referred to was the up and coming nuisance Julius Aquitania, or as he had started calling himself Julius Ceasar.

Whose story was like a bards tale sung in the taverns to the commonfolk about a man rising up from nothing to reach for the heavens.