276 - Arrival At Carthage

After hours of conversing and even a light nap within the carriage wherein Serena sneakily received a lap pillow from Julius who was the first to fall unconious.

The praetorians riding as escorts knocked on the carriage walls, awakening the royal pair.

After rubbing the sleep from his eyes Julius opened a side view window.

Seeing a horse riding almost dangerously close to the carriage as it raced down the road.

"What is it?"

"Sorry to disturb you your highness, but the capital is only a few minutes away."

"Ah I see, thank you we shall prepare in due course."

Seeing the royal guard nod his head before returning to his regular position Julius resealed the window before turning to look at the still groggy Serena.

"Seems you're almost home once again."

"he he, well maybe back to my former home, but Romanus will always be my true home moving forwards."