The sound of CLICK CLACK CLICK CLACK caused his brows to furrow uncomfortably. The sound penetrated his ears and even reached his dreamland, and he was forced to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was the ceiling, but the ceiling was unfamiliar. Even the chandelier he saw on the ceiling was not something he was used to seeing, and that was why he immediately concluded that he was not in his room.

As he shifted his gaze to his body, he could see a black leather jacket covering his upper body. "It's not mine either," he muttered to himself.

"Of course, it's not yours because you definitely can't afford it."

Jun's body jolted when that sentence entered his ears. He shifted his gaze to look at the person who had just said those words to him, and he could see a long-haired man sitting behind a desk. The man didn't even look at him when he spoke, and his eyes were focused on the computer in front of him as he used his ten fingers to type on the keyboard.

"So, the annoying sound that woke me up came from his fingers typing on the keyboard," Jun muttered to himself again, but this time, he lifted his body from the sofa. "Wait. Why am I on the sofa? As far as I remember, I didn't sleep on this sofa last night."

"You indeed didn't sleep on the sofa, and that was the thing that annoyed me last night," Zhang Hei spoke again without looking at Jun. "I asked you to sleep on the sofa, but you insisted on saying that you wouldn't sleep. At first, you really didn't sleep. You just kept sitting at my desk while I was working, but then your head suddenly fell onto the desk. Your sleeping position looked really bad, and I was even worried your saliva would flood the important documents on my desk. That's why I had to move you to the sofa."

"..." Jun's mouth opened wide after hearing Zhang Hei's answer.

Little by little, he remembered the events that happened last night. He read the document related to the upcoming boy group that would debut in a month, and he also read some information about the boy group's plans in the document. He thought he wouldn't feel sleepy if he continued reading, and that was why he rejected it when Zhang Hei offered him the sofa in his office as a place for him to sleep. He didn't expect to fall asleep on the man's desk when he only read a little information about the boy group in the document.

'This is embarrassing,' he thought to himself, but then he took a deep breath before lifting the jacket on his body, then he got up from the sofa and walked towards Zhang Hei's desk. "Are you also the one who covered my body with this jacket?" He asked as he stopped walking in front of the desk.

"No," replied Zhang Hei. "One of the ghosts in my office did that for you."

"..." Jun was silent, but of course, he didn't believe what the long-haired man had just said to him.

When he glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows covered by the blinds, he could see how bright the outside of the building was, and when he shifted his gaze to look at the clock hanging on the wall, he could see that it was already 8 am.

'I can't believe I slept almost 8 hours last night. Maybe I'm too tired,' Jun thought to himself, but then he put the leather jacket on the table in front of him.

However, there was no reaction from the owner of the jacket, and he curiously asked, "Have you worked since last night until now? I remember you were also busy with the computer and documents last night."

Finally, Zhang Hei looked up from his computer, and Jun could see how the man's eyes were surrounded by dark circles. That was actually enough to answer his question.

"I'll be busy for the next four weeks, and that's why I have to finish this work first. I don't want to be called lazy by someone," Zhang Hei answered, and Jun remembered how their conversation ended last night.

Zhang Hei also mentioned the word "lazy" last night, and it seemed like the long-haired man was holding a grudge for calling him lazy last night.

"What are you going to do in the next four weeks?" Jun asked again.

"What else am I going to do in the next four weeks? Of course, I will train you personally until you are ready to become an idol!" Zhang Hei answered, and there was a hint of annoyance in his voice as he once again focused his eyes on his computer.

"Why do you need to train me personally? There are professional trainers in this company, right?" Jun asked.

"There are professional trainers in this company, but they are all not as strict as me. I want to make sure that you don't make a mess during the training period, and that's why I'll be the one supervising you in the next four weeks."

"..." Jun once again fell silent after hearing Zhang Hei's answer, and he also began to imagine how the man would strictly train him in the next four weeks. 'Maybe he'll even use a whip to train me?' He thought to himself anxiously.

In the end, he didn't reply to Zhang Hei, and it seemed like Zhang Hei had finally finished his job. He turned off the computer before stretching his arms to relieve his sore muscles.

"My secretary and one of the people from the legal team will be here in half an hour," Zhang Hei said again after he finished easing his sore muscles. "They'll bring the contract you need to sign today, but before they come, I think you'd better go to the restroom and make yourself more presentable. Please get rid of the bird's nest on your head and also remove the traces of saliva on your cheek. That's disgusting."