It was bad. Jun's physique was weak, and he already felt so tired even just climbing the stairs to the fourth floor of the building. His breathing was ragged, and his heartbeat was still racing as he and Manager Wang stood in front of a door.

Manager Wang glanced at him, and the middle-aged man grinned before suddenly using his hand to slap him on the shoulder. "You're younger than me, but your stamina can't compare to mine, young man! You won't be able to satisfy your wife in bed if you're this weak!" He taunted the younger man.

Jun just glanced at the man lazily before replying, "Do you think I want to have a wife? My life is already difficult, so a wife would probably only add to the burden, right?"

Suddenly, Wang Gong Zhao chuckled before replying, "If you don't want a wife to add to your burden, then you might want to have a husband, young man. Let your husband work hard to earn money for you, and you can use the money as you like afterward."