It was frightening and shocking, but the face slowly changed to someone more familiar in Zhang Hei's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Innocently, Zhang Hei asked that question.

"You dare ask me that question after I helped you escape your nightmare?" The person asked back instead of answering. "Wait. You really just had a nightmare, right?"

Zhang Hei didn't answer, and he just stared at the other person silently. It was Jun who had just woken him up, and he remembered how he shared a bed with the white-haired man last night.

"What time is it?" Instead of answering, Zhang Hei asked as he brought his body to sit on the bed, and he also used his hand to comb his long hair back.

He finally sat up on the bed, and his bare upper body looked even more exposed in Jun's eyes, causing the young man to let out a heavy sigh.