Recently, Zhang Hei often heard that name mentioned. Yesterday, it was Jun who kept saying that name, and he heard that name from Xu Pei Jing's mouth today.

This was actually unexpected because Xu Pei Jing did know a lot about his relationship with Fu Wei Long. Several years ago, Zhang Hei often sought advice from Xu Pei Jing regarding Fu Wei Long's talent, and he also had the same plans he had for Jun today.

Several years ago, Zhang Hei actually planned to give Fu Wei Long a solo project, and he also asked Xu Pei Jing for help at that time. Perhaps Xu Pei Jing felt a sense of déjà vu today after Zhang Hei voiced his intentions regarding Jun, and it was understandable if the bespectacled man brought up the topic of Fu Wei Long.

"Both Jun and Fu Wei Long are talented, and I just want to support them," Zhang Hei finally answered after he looked momentarily stunned by the singer.