Jun was already in Xu Pei Jing's car, but he didn't say anything and instead looked troubled while remaining silent.

Even Xu Pei Jing seemed to notice his different attitude and finally decided to ask, "What's wrong, Jun? You don't seem happy to accompany me today. If you feel like I'm forcing you with my request, we can just cancel our plan today."

The car had just left the company building. As he said on the phone this morning, Jun called a taxi to the company building, and it turned out that his idol was waiting for him in front of the building.

In contrast to Zhang Hei who had a car with a bold color, Xu Pei Jing's black car looked simple and ordinary, and Jun was already in the car before the owner finally drove it from the company building.

"I'm happy to accompany you today, Brother Xu," Jun immediately clarified. "I'm just not in a good mood today. Maybe because... maybe because I had a strange dream last night."