"Are you sure you know how to cook? You've bought expensive ingredients on our way home, and I'm afraid they'll end up in the trash if you insist on cooking them," Jun worriedly questioned Zhang Hei who looked busy in the kitchen.

In fact, he wasn't worried about Zhang Hei, but he was more worried about the premium ingredients currently in Zhang Hei's hands. After leaving the company building together, Jun thought that Zhang Hei would drive home right away, but then he knew that he was wrong because Zhang Hei suddenly stopped the car in a large parking lot in front of a large building.

The long-haired man then took him to a building which turned out to be a giant supermarket that sold everything. At that place, Zhang Hei then started filling the trolley with various ingredients, and Jun could only follow him obediently as if he were a tail that couldn't escape from the main body.