The two of them didn't even eat half of the food Zhang Hei cooked, so Zhang Hei ended up calling his housekeeper before asking the middle-aged woman to put everything into several food containers before asking her to take them to the orphanage. The woman was surprised by his order, but she then showed her gratitude before leaving the house with several containers of food in her hands.

After the woman left, Zhang Hei and Jun were sitting on the sofa in the living room, but they were not sitting next to each other. Instead, a kitten sat in between them as a separator, licking its body as a self-cleaning routine.

The kitten was indeed there, but neither Zhang Hei nor Jun paid attention to it. Instead, Jun focused his eyes on the television showing a program, while Zhang Hei kept looking at Jun as if Jun's face was more interesting than the program showing on TV.