"Oh! It's you, sir!" Xu Pei Jing looked shocked, and he even got up from his seat before hurriedly trying to tidy up the table in front of him.

There were three monitors in front of him, and they were his tools when he was trying to compose songs. Along with the monitor were several pieces of paper, and Xu Pei Jing hurriedly tidied them up before turning to Zhang Hei again. "Please sit down, sir," he said politely.

There were two chairs at the table, and one of them was where Xu Pei Jing had been sitting before Zhang Hei suddenly came into the studio. Zhang Hei could see the man's polite attitude, and he quietly brought his feet toward the man's position after closing the door behind him.

"Are you busy?" Zhang Hei asked while looking at the monitor on the desk.

"Ah, not busy, sir," replied Xu Pei Jing. "Today is my last day off before I will be busy with my schedule starting tomorrow, and I'm just trying to make a new song to relieve my boredom."