After exiting the elevator, Jun could immediately see Lu Ran sitting behind her desk, and he felt a sense of déjà vu as he brought his feet towards the long-haired woman. When he stopped in front of the woman, the woman immediately looked up before showing a look of surprise on her face.

"Jun? Why are you here? Didn't you just come back from S City?" Lu Ran asked, and Jun once again felt déjà vu because the situation a week ago was similar to today's situation.

"Is Mr. Zhang inside, Sister Lu?" Not wanting to beat around the bush, Jun immediately asked the question.

He thought, if the current situation was similar to last week's situation, then Zhang Hei might not be in his office at the moment. He had been prepared for that possibility, but it turned out that Lu Ran gave him a different answer this time.

"Mr. Zhang is in his office. Do you want to see him, Jun?"