Company of Conquest: The Admin, Chapter 4 - Hot Commodity

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.

Haven let out a sigh, grabbing Laura's arm before she could run off to chase yet another squirrel as they walked down a random forest trail, God knows where.

Watching her prey escape had the feral girl snarling up at him on reflex before his firm glare quickly reminded her of her position, the cowed mutant nuzzling up to his side as a form of apology, Haven unable to refrain from stroking her silky hair as they walked, Laura purring her contentment.

It would be a weird relationship, Haven realized. On one hand, she was like his adorable kitten when not on a murderous rampage, and on the other, he knew there wasn't anything gonna stop him from dicking down his newfound pet on the regular.

The still-alive researchers back at the secret base should be thanking their lucky stars that there was such a convenient outlet for his curse-fueled lust.

After cleaning himself and his partner from the mess made by their wild rutting, Haven's post-nut clarity made him realize that his original escape plan was going to be a little too brutal for his taste.

Now, the scientists who created him knew who they were truly working for, but the many others simply believed they were working for the government.

So, instead of rampaging through the place in a blaze of glory, Haven calmed down, deciding to rummage around a bit instead, finding replacements for Laura's clothes that he'd torn to shreds and a tracksuit fitting his six-foot-five superhuman frame in the process. After all, there was no reason to have everyone assuming him to be the ruthless killer he was quickly becoming just yet.

After that, Haven had no real reason to stick around, and after choosing the quickest path of escape, they only had to murder a few more guards on their way out, exiting to find themselves stranded in a Midwestern United States forest—if his knowledge of North American flora and fauna wasn't off.

Breaking him out of his thoughts, Laura moved away from his side, sniffing the air before grunting and pointing in a direction.

"I know you can speak, so how about we use our words, yeah?" Haven deadpanned, a small frown forming on his pet's face.

"Food," she simply replied, going back to sniffing the air.

Rolling his eyes, Haven decided to take the girl's word for it, hoping he wasn't being led to a deer or something. Surely, she wouldn't be that much of a savage... right?

Luckily, he didn't have to worry, the familiar sounds of traffic coming into earshot long before they left the dense forest, and after exiting the tree line... well, they were still in the middle of nowhere, but there was at least a truck stop. More importantly—for the hungry girl at his side—there was a building marked with the iconic golden arches next to the gas pumps.

Entering the place had him drawing more than a few pairs of eyes with his exotic looks, the odd behavior of his wild companion going mostly unnoticed as he dragged the girl over to the counter with him. Something that was probably for the best.

"We'll have fifty cheeseburgers, for now, only ketchup," Haven ordered after standing there in silence for a moment, the teen behind the register apparently too mesmerized by his appearance to speak. It was rough being this attractive.

"Y-You want fifty cheeseburgers?" she squeaked.

"I know what I'm about, girl," he shrugged, slapping down one of the stolen hundred-dollar bills.

"Alright, I can bring that out to you when it's ready, if you'd like," the nameless employee offered with a stiff smile, handing over the change.

"Sure, that works," he smiled, but before turning around to find a table, Haven narrowed his eyes at the girl, making her nervously gulp. "And don't forget, only ketchup on those cheeseburgers," he told her, having absolutely zero faith in fast food places getting his orders correct.

With that important business settled, he found a quiet table to wait for something interesting to happen. Considering he hadn't bothered hiding his face from a traffic camera on their way to this truck stop, the only question was who would show up first?

Later, as the animal seated next to him chowed down on what must have been her hundredth burger, Haven's attention was drawn to a woman at the counter ordering a coffee before sitting down, trying to act all nonchalant as she read a newspaper while occasionally sipping from her drink.

Even if he hadn't known a good amount of this universe's plot, the woman with her fiery red hair and emerald eyes was too damn beautiful to be out in a place like this. Haven couldn't help but admire their decision to go with a honeytrap as their first move.

Aside from the secret agent dressed as a sexy secretary, with a short pencil skirt, white blouse, and high heels, the front page of the newspaper she held also grabbed his attention.

Billionaire Tony Stark Still Missing in Afghanistan After a Week

Haven figured he was placed around this time, but it was nice to have confirmation. However, he was considerably more interested in the stunning redhead, and after sending the Widow in disguise a wink and nudging the empty chair, he couldn't keep his eyes off those wonderful hips doing extremely interesting things as she strutted her way over.

This also brought Laura out of her feeding frenzy, growling as the dangerous woman approached. Haven simply gave the girl a few pats on the head before shoving another burger into her mouth, his pet going back to ignoring everything other than her food.

"You're not very subtle," Haven teased as the beauty took the offered seat, crossing those lovely legs of hers so deliberately seductive that he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes... because he didn't want to miss the show being put on for even a second.

"There's no need for any of that, I only came for an introduction," she said, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Sure, we can pretend like that's the case, and in the meantime, you can call me Haven, it's a pleasure…"

"Natasha," she filled in the blank.

"So, Natasha, which organization are you representing? Since you haven't rolled in the tanks, I'm assuming it's not affiliated with the place I just broke out of."

Natasha hummed her agreement, leaning onto her elbows with a smile, giving him a great view of her barely decent cleavage. "The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division," she answered.

"SHIELD… I should have known," Haven smiled, not bothering to pretend like he wasn't ogling those juicy tits, his curse already beginning to act up again. "I'm sure you've got your questions, but so do I," he told the deadly Widow.

"A question for a question then," Natasha suggested with a sexy smile of her own.

"Works for me," Haven nodded. "So, which shady group do I have to thank for my creation?" he shamelessly took the first turn, making the super spy grimace at the question.

"We couldn't find anything. As far as we know, that lab shouldn't have existed," she claimed, and Haven put on a skeptical look, even though he knew it was the truth.

"Not a good look," he tutted, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now." Haven continued, Natasha giving him a soft grin at his words.

Obviously, he knew Hydra was behind everything, including the infiltration of the very organization the temptress in front of him was a part of. For now, there was no reason to let them in on the fact that their long-thought-vanquished foe was still alive and thriving behind the scenes. Instead, Haven gestured for the lovely Natasha to go ahead with her question.

"From what we understand, you were created as a blank slate, today being your first time in the outside world. How are you so…" Natasha trailed off, the question clear.

"So suave? So fine? So magnetic? You're gonna have to be specific," Haven deflected, only for the fake, yet oh-so-sexy pout she wore to make him crack under the pressure. Damn, his curse was really starting to get on his nerves.

"Alright, alright… In simple terms, you can consider my abnormalities caused by knowledge passed down through genetics and leave it at that. Just one of the reasons why attempting to create life from unknown alien samples isn't the brightest idea," Haven explained, lying his ass off. Honestly, his lies weren't even that far from the truth. He simply didn't feel like pretending to be ignorant, and he wasn't going to bring up his reincarnation anytime soon.

"As for knowing about recent events…" he pointed to his ear. "The tube I was locked in couldn't stop me from hearing the lab rats' daily chatter," Haven told her, continuing his fibbing without remorse.

Haven chuckled at her shocked expression, the first true emotion she'd shown him. And if his guess was correct, she only broke out of her stupor at the prodding of whoever was in her ear.

He could tell Natasha was listening to someone through her earpiece—an earpiece advanced enough that even his heightened senses couldn't pick up the voice on the other side.

"I'd call you a liar if there were a better explanation for your situation, and it only leaves me with more questions, but I guess it's your turn," she said.

"Tell me the truth, why are you here? If SHIELD wanted me locked up as a test subject, I don't think I would have seen you coming, but I'm sure your agency wants to get their hands on me one way or the other," Haven asked.

"While you'd be a prime candidate for recruitment, if something like that isn't for you, we'd at the very least get you set up with an identity for you to get your life started."

"Ah, the soft sell, but I don't think you'd have to push very hard to lure me over to your side. I mean, becoming a secret agent is a man's romance, after all."

"If that's the case, I imagine my bosses would be more than pleased to get you on board."

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I don't need anything written down just yet, but I'd still like some assurances before I hop into your suspicious van."

"You see, a major appeal of becoming a spy is the sexy partner in crime who tags along for the ride," Haven grinned, slowly eyeing those irresistible curves up and down. "So, you think that's something that can be guaranteed?"

"Oh, we can certainly accommodate that," Natasha purred, leaning further over and placing a hand on his thigh, slowly working her way up.

Before things could get too heated, the sound of munching increased, and the temptress's advances ceased as she gave him a questioning look.

"Ah, I almost forgot about that… Due to certain… circumstances, Laura here has become somewhat attached. Just think of us as a package deal," Haven said, making Natasha shrug.

"Shall we get down to…" she started, getting cut off by the sound of jet engines appearing out of nowhere right outside the building, the few occupants of the eatery standing in tandem before leaving the area in a near trance.

"I think we have company," Haven stated the obvious, a motorized wheelchair carrying a bald old man rolling in shortly after, two other Mutants walking at his side. It was impossible for Haven not to recognize the ones interrupting: Professor X, and Wolverine. But the one who had his full attention was the African goddess wearing a stoic expression.

As his electric blue eyes met the matching pair of his mother's doppelgänger, Haven had to use everything he had within himself not to pop a rock-hard stiffy right there in the middle of the dining area.

Seriously, fuck this curse, and fuck that bastard father of his. 'Hey, system, tell me there's a way to get rid of this shit.'

[Mission Generated: Indulge Your Degeneracy]

Have sex with your Mutant genetic donor.

Reward: Curse of Rapacious Lust Evolved into a Perk.


With his eye twitching, Haven decided to pretend that none of that had just happened before he ended up bursting a blood vessel. His attraction to his mother's look-alike aside, he had been expecting the X-Men to be the first to show up after breaking Laura out of the lab and away from whatever protection they used against the professor's mutant radar. Haven knew he couldn't be tracked himself, but still, he figured his pet mutant would have given away his position. His only guess as to why they came in second place had something to do with his ROB's insurance interfering based on his presence alone.

The professor rolled his way over, and Haven wondered how the beautiful omega-class mutant felt about standing in front of her clone/biological child.

"Professor Xavier, what can SHIELD do for you on this fine day?" a balding middle-aged man asked, stepping out of the shadows like fucking Batman, interrupting the sales pitch that was sure to be coming.

"Ah, Agent Coulson, as much as I'd enjoy catching up, let's not play coy. We both have a vested interest in our young friends over here," Xavier easily replied, Coulson's already stiff smile cracking.

"Fine, it's not like I could stop you," he sighed, moving out of the way.

"Come now, don't be like that, haven't I done my best to work with SHIELD," the professor questioned, and Coulson simply gave a short nod.

"Let me just stop you there, old man. I've already heard about your school and group of teenage crime fighters. I think I like my other option more," Haven shot down the pitch before it could be sent, already knowing this conversation would be a hassle.

"Listen, bub, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. You'll be treated as a pawn until your use has run out," Wolverine spat, making Haven roll his eyes.

"Maybe that's true, but I'll take my chances getting used as a pawn over dressing up in spandex," he told the short, angry man, who simply growled his annoyance. Heh, like father, like daughter, Haven thought.

"I would have thought you'd be interested in meeting at least one of us," Xavier pushed, nodding toward Storm.

"I was a science experiment gone wrong… for the people who created me, at least. No offense, but I don't feel any attachments toward my genetic donor," Haven told the nosey old codger, said genetic donor still not showing any emotion on her gorgeous face.

"Very well, I won't bother asking the same of your… friend here. I can already tell that would be a lost cause, but know that our door's always open," Xavier finished before rolling back the way he came, Logan giving a final gruff grunt before following and Ororo pausing for the slightest second before doing the same.

Now, Haven had nothing against the X-Men… most of them, at least, but he figured staying out of their shenanigans for now would be for the best while he worked on increasing his strength.

He, of course, had no disillusionment that this would work in the slightest—Haven would bet his life that his father would pull some shit if his life got too boring—but it was worth a try.

"Well, as interesting as that was, shall we blow this joint?" Haven asked the remaining two, pulling Laura away from her pile of burger wrappers as he stood.

AN: Reader interaction fuels me, so leave a comment or review and the collective dopamine hits will probably have me pumping out more chapters.

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