
Cries of protest filled the room. People shot out of their chairs, racing for the doors, but they were instantly blocked by Pack Tiberias's men. Shadows dropped from the ceilings, revealing themselves in another ambush. 

Alpha Kerpan fell to the floor, clutching his chest. The bullet wound gushed out blood, soaking his black and white suit red. 


Alpha Tiberias shot once more.

And another.

A total of four new shots rang in the air. One for each limb, rendering Bruce Kerpan motionless on the floor and screaming in agony. His face was ruby red, his veins popping out of his neck, as he howled in pain.

"Where… are my men?!" Alpha Kerpan gurgled out, frantically turning his head to realize none of his guards were present. When had they been replaced? When had they disappeared?!

"Tiberias, If you kill him, the Werewolf Council will not forgive this massacre!" Cecil roared in protest, running onto the stage. He knelt beside Alpha Kerpan who grabbed onto him, spasming with the torment of his injuries.

A figure of black swooshed in front of Roselia, grabbing ahold of her protectively. He shielded her body with his own, embracing her with desperation and fear of her being injured in the crossfire.

"Ronald," Roselia breathed out, recognizing the arms of her older brother wrapped around her body. The last time he hugged her, she was sentenced for the crimes against Bruce Kerpan's son.

Alpha Tiberias loaded his gun once more. 

"Don't!" Roselia shouted, fearing he was going to shoot her brother. She pushed Ronald away, revealing herself.

Alpha Tiberias paused.

Roselia hiccuped. Sharp eyes met her. Invasive. Cruel. Grey. His gaze burned her from the inside out, as if she was standing under the sun on a hot, summer day. He stood in front of her with an intimidating presence. Broad shoulders and crisp lines, his black suit molded his toned body. He was in the perfect wedding attire to be the groom. 

"You look like you're begging to run away," Alpha Tiberias muttered. His face was showstopping. Cold and controlled, his expression revealed nothing. 

"And if I were to run away?" Roselia was blinded by courage fueled by her brother's presence. Her confidence was momentary and fleeted just as quick as she finished her sentence.

A beat passed.

Alpha Tiberias lowered onto one knee. The people watched him with hawk eyes, whispering rapidly amongst themselves in belief. This was the second time a man had ever knelt before her feet. She took a frightened step back, but he grabbed her ankles.

"Alpha Tiberias!" Ronald protested.

Roselia was warm all over. Alpha Tiberias's grip was loose, yet firm, curling effortlessly around her thin limbs. Her heart skipped as he revealed her glass slippers.

"What the hell…" Cecil realized, furiously turning to Alpha Kerpan who had already passed out from the blood. 

Alpha Tiberias took off Roselia's crystal heels and threw it towards Bruce. The glass shattered into hundreds of pieces. Murmurs filled the air, realizing how trapped the pitiful bride was. 

Then, Alpha Tiberias grabbed the lock holding her chain in place, revealing it for all to see. A tragedy that made people avert their gaze. He wrapped his palm around the metal and in one furious squeeze, shattered the weak equipment.

Roselia's chains fell at her feet, joined by her dangerous shoes. 

"What are you doing," Roselia exhaled, her chest tightening. 

Alpha Tiberias raised his head, revealing a cold-hearted smile. His stormy eyes reflected her swamp green, a violent ocean against a dying meadow. He spoke slowly and deliberately with patience that made her stomach flutter.

"Run," Alpha Tiberias mused. "Run as far as you can and never look back, Roselia."

Roselia wasn't stupid. She learned from Alpha Kerpan that a wolfless werewolf like her would never be able to outrun the pack. She recalled her crimes hadn't been pardoned by the Werewolf Council yet. 

Where would Roselia go? Back home to her Papa who'd pawn her off to another man?

Out of all the choices, Roselia decided on the lesser evil. If there was one person who could protect her from Alpha Kerpan, it would be this heartless man in front of her who took off her chains and heels.

"I'll marry you." Roselia wondered if she had traded a prison cell for a golden cage. She knew nothing of Alpha Tiberias, except his brutal takeover of his own pack. He murdered his father with his bare hands and the day he became Alpha, a river of blood flooded his city streets.

And now, here he was, one knee bent staring up at her with aloof eyes and cunning smile. Even on his knees like a man in worship, he still held all the power. Her heart lurched as he slowly rose to his full height, ignoring the dying man behind him.

"Stop!" the same elder cried out from the Werewolf Council table. "Marriage between unmated werewolves needs to go through us first!" 

The Werewolf Council was comprised of elders of neutral and powerful packs. They were retired Alphas with years of experience and wisdom hailing from all regions of the country. The only way to be relieved of their position was through death. 

"And who's going to stop me?" Alpha Tiberias warned. "You?"

The elders whispered amongst each other, then gave a final tug to the man. Alpha Tiberias wouldn't hesitate to kill them. He'd leave no witnesses. 

"Start the wedding," Alpha Tiberias ordered the priest who fumbled with his holy book.

The priest's attention snapped to Roselia, his gaze filled with pity as he softly frowned. 

"Ronald," Cecil called for his son.

"But father—"

"Better Tiberias than a Kerpan," Cecil conceded.

Ronald gritted his teeth, casted a final glance at his sister, and gave in. He followed his father down the steps, and towards the chairs again.

The priest reluctantly cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, Alphas and Lunas gathered here tonight to welcome this joyous reunion of Alpha Tiberias and Miss Fiore. We gather in the holy matrimony of the Moon Goddess, under a full moon—"

"Get to the point," Alpha Tiberias deadpanned with a rough scowl.

The priest shakingly flipped a page in his book. "Let's begin with the vows—"

"We don't need vows," Alpha Tiberias said. "Just the announcement."

Roselia was grateful for his interception. She wouldn't know what to say. Suddenly, she felt his palm resting on her lower spine, bringing them closer. 

Roselia stiffened, warm spreading through her body from the single touch. She shifted to this stranger that she didn't even know the name of. He was watching her. When their eyes met once more, his expression remained aloof.

'What went through that dark, twisted mind of his? What were his intentions with her? Why her out of all the eligible women who'd throw themselves at his feet?'

"Do you, Roselia Nicolette Fiore take—"

"For f*ck's sake," Alpha Tiberias snarled, sharply facing her. Without warning, he grabbed her by the nape and yanked her close.

"I may kiss the bride," Alpha Tiberias announced to the world. Before anyone could fathom rejecting him, he turned their entire body, until she was shielded from view. His large shoulders swallowed her whole as he wrapped her in his arms, stealing any sight of her.

To the onlookers, Alpha Tiberias kissed his bride. To the crowd, he sealed the deal. To the naked eyes, there were glaring flaws in this marriage, but they had wed anyways in front of a holy priest, without a license granted by the Werewolf Council.

No one would ever expect the truth.

Alpha Tiberias's mouth graced the corner of her lips. 

This was a werewolf wedding after all. Despite her identity, despite her crimes, Roselia Fiore had still married the head of one of the most powerful werewolf clan.

"I'm taking you back with me now." Alpha Tiberias left no room for protest. He bent and carried her bridal style, amidst all of the forced cheering and clapping. They were all scared of offending Alpha Tiberias.

Alpha Tiberias carried Roselia like she weighed nothing. His scent filled her nostrils. Smoke and gunpowder. She stole a final glance at her father and brother, who watched her with a disappointed frown.

When Roselia was a little girl with a bright future as her pack's favorite, she dreamed of a cozy wedding. Nothing too grand or crazy, just something intimate like a little cottage.

Now, Roselia had the wedding of the century. Front page of magazines. Morning news on the TV. The talk of the world, she was at the forefront of drama and scandal, her crimes still publicized as a reminder.

"Get in." His voice haunted her from above, a cold caress on her skin. She was carried out in his arms bridal style, but was rigid as a rock and stared ahead in dissociation.

Roselia hesitated, staring at the sleek and shiny black car with tinted windows, and a logo the cost of a house. She paid attention to the guard dog holding the doors open for her. Hell's gatekeeper was an emotionless man in white button-up and black suit, his lifeless eyes shifting behind her, his lips thinning to a straight line.

"My brother and Beta, Kallum Tiberias." Alpha Tiberias introduced to her, shielding the tip of her head as she slid into the car with apprehension. 

Roselia swallowed. She knew of the infamous Tiberias Trio. When they came to power, they wreaked havoc in this country, seizing territories left and right, leaving behind widows and orphans from the number of soldiers they slaughtered.

Not a single man lived to tell the tale when the Tiberias Trios crossed their path. They were brothers with the same tyrannical blood flowing through their veins and rumors had it, they bled black like the devil.

"This is the lost puppy you decided to adopt?" Kallum muttered under his breath, glowering behind the wheel as he started the car. "Quite a sorry excuse of an Alpha's daughter too."

"Fix that tone, Kallum," Alpha Tiberias warned his Beta. 

"Boo!" A head popped over the passenger seat.

Roselia screamed and swung by instinct. Her fist almost connected with the familiar face had Alpha Tiberias not caught it in a blink. She grew pale, her lips trembling in disbelief.

Without blinking, Alpha Tiberias lowered his hand, shooting Roselia a glance, and adjusting her thumb. "When you punch, keep your thumb on the outside, not inside. You almost shattered your hand."

Quickly, Roselia yanked her fist back, holding it to her chest, her skin growing warm from his touch. Her cheeks burned and her heart skipped. She continued staring at the teenager that she presumed dead a few days ago. Yet, here he was, not a single scratch on his youthful face.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?" he snorted.

"Noah," Alpha Tiberias deadpanned.

Noah pouted. "No 'I'm sorry I left you to rot and die on enemy soil?'"

Roselia froze.

Kallum sneered. He stepped on the gas, whirling down the streets. Paparazzi rushed to the pavement, flashing their cameras when they caught wind of the news, but they were far too late. 

Noah grinned. "You should thank me," he continued. "If I hadn't told Cruden about your gracious act of abandoning me to die, you would've been Alpha Kerpan's wife and forced to sire his ugly, deformed—"

"Who's Cruden?" Roselia blurted out.

Silence engulfed the car. No one spoke. No one moved. Every pair of eyes snapped to her direction. The news hit everyone at the same exact time.

Roselia opened her mouth. Then, closed it. Then, blinked. What? 

Roselia turned to Alpha Tiberias, expecting an answer. Realizing how bold she was appearing, she hurriedly tried to lower her gaze, but saw his expression anyways.

Alpha Tiberias scowled. His eyes darkened. His jaws tightened. "You don't know my name?"