Holding Him Back

Roselia and Cruden remained in suspended silence. She fidgeted with the remaining photos on the table. He started to sort them into different groups. The entire time, she snuck glances at him, hoping for him to break the tension. Should she have not come? Did he not want her here? She admired his hands, masculine and tanned. His sharp knuckles were reminiscent of a fighter and his fingers were calloused, yet never hurt her once.

"Should I…" Roselia began, but trailed off. She had his full attention now. Like the set of the blazing sun, his gaze darkened. Heartless. She could see her reflection flickering in his stormy pupils as if his interest was fleeting. Momentary. His gaze pinned her to the spot, analyzing her, simmering with darkness that made her want to run.

"Should I not be here?" Roselia asked, her hand occupied by one of the decoy photos. She wanted to keep herself busy, but her entire body was turned to him. Meanwhile, he was still facing the table.