Chapter 15, A Theory

Nearly biting off his tongue, Kefir's body shuddered in spontaneous aches of pain from the injuries of the past while he took slight small steps away from the approaching worms making their way to his original spot.

Kefir rustled his hair, upset and annoyed. He slowly made his way to one of the large tunnels before noticing a fork alongside more splits of various tunnels, it was truly what one would say is a party-size cave system.

"It's a whole goddamn maze. This is even worse considering the fact there are those damn jiggling slimy bastards lurking around every corner." Kefir muttered to himself, merely taking a glance at a pathway to the right.

His eye widened in surprise, choking on the noise he was about to echo when he noticed a familiar silhouette of a creature overshadowing him, though appearing to not fully pay attention to his direction, it was those grotesque worms.

Clenching his hands to a ball. He steady his gaze, switching his position to a brawl. There were various thoughts passing through Kefir in that moment with the main being refusal to die pointlessly in this feeding nest. Fortunately or oddly enough for Kefir the worm passed by him, unbothered to acknowledge his existence which was quite baffling. 

'Papa, should I ummm prepare for the increase in blood flow?..' questioned Gentle. 

Ignoring Gentle's remark, Kefir was confused. Last time when he was sprinting for his lifeâ€" the worm was persistently following him, eager to gobble him up for its dinner but now? One of its own kind doesn't make any effort to kill him.. 

While his mind went astray followed by his body slightly moving away from the creature a sudden idea popped into his mind. 

Why didn't the worm attack him earlier when he was in the car? No it was stupid curiosity. Obviously due to the sandstorm but what about after that? At the time he was still in the vehicle not creating much noise. The creature could have charged at him then when his guard was down. Of course the bastard could have not been there at that time though what if it did? 

Kefir nudged his head to the cold-stone wall behind him. This was surely a ridiculous theory that has many holes and faults however just what if…

The worms are blind and actually follow the reverberations of sound? That would explain well on how the creature could have continuously followed him. If you apply this theory, that is, since Kefir would have been reinforcing the same continuous sounds of running on the sand again and again, attracting the worm even more.

Crouching down, he picked a dull medium size rock, nearly fit in his hand. Tossing it in the opposite direction of him as far as possible. 


The sound of the rock slamming and breaking into pieces echoed its dominance within its radius as a couple of worms began accelerating their speed, drooling in saliva. A couple of minutes passed and around ten of those creatures bashed into one another, intrigued and hopeful for what the noise was. The hopeful part being if it was food for them to consume.

A smile curved on his battered face—his right eye sparking in its deep red. 

"I might just be a genius… or just a dumbass who was too late to realize what to do." Kefir whispered to himself, filled with mixed emotions.