Glossary / Ranks

[Lifeform Rank]

Mortal / Mortal — D — 0 to 100. — Kill monster

Profound / Adept — C — 101 to 500 — Awaken Innate talent

Sky / Exceptional — B — 501 to 1000 — Epic Awakening

Houtian / Epic — A — 1001 to 5000 — Legendary awakening

Xiantian / Legendary — S — 5001 to 10,000 — Exceed Life Evolution.

Spirit Core / Exceed — EX — 10,001 to 100,000 — Soul Awakening.

Spirit Lord / Primeval — Prime — 100,001 to 500,000. 

??? (More as MC progresses in the story)


[Spell/skill Tiers]

Tier 1 — D — Mortal 

Tier 2 — C — Adept 

Tier 3 — B — Exceptional 

Tier 4,5 — A — Epic 

Tier 6 to 8 — S - Low / Median / High — Legendary 

Tier 10 to 15 — SS - Low / Median / High — Exceed 

Tier 15 to Tier 20 — SSS - Low / Median / High — Primeval

??? (More as MC progresses in the story)


[Power-Item Ranks]

- Common

- Uncommon

- Rare

- Epic

- Legendary

- Exceed.

- Primeval.

??? (More as MC progresses in the story)