Unexpected Situation (3/3), Tumor Brewing

At the moment, three men and a woman floated 20 meters away diagonally from the Yueha's domain sphere, surrounding it with four fancy magic circles established above their heads.

The brown-haired woman adorning a black dress with a staff in her left hand and rapier in her right hand was strongest, being an Exceed-rank powerhouse of high-stage with her foundational stats being above 90k and her Domain awakened—her name, Bergetta Rose.

Aside from her, the gray-haired middle-aged man wearing a long hat and a wand in his hand was also in Exceed rank with Domain awakened, though he was in the median-stage of Exceed rank with his foundational stats around 65k-70k—name, Jakar the Wand Herald.

Meanwhile, the other men wearing black-red and blue-black suits were members of the Aurspec clan. One Low-stage Exceed and another Median-stage Exceed, but none of them had their Domains awakened yet.