Aleron’ Prep, Turthar Argondrake

"Reikern," Aleron spoke as an orb of Magilore materialized beside him.

The orb was connected to his Magilore source and it released a thick string of Magilore that shot out of the window before going towards the central tower of the city at lightning speed.

"I promise you, nothing will happen to anyone in this city."

"What are you doing?" Reikern frowned as he saw the strange orb releasing strange energy and used a skill to check the situation outside.

'What the fuck is he doing? I have to alert Lord Turthar.'

Fang stood atop the central tower with a strange crystal pole with a geo-brown round crystal on its tip.

He saw a 2-inch thick laser shooting from the Aurspec clan's direction before it struck the formation flag.