Aleron's Plan (3/3)

"What?" Roxen, Rias, and all others below Primeval rank couldn't see it.

"That…" Melkern was surprised. 'I couldn't sense it even though it was right beside me…such mastery of soul path.'

Marcus was also just peak Exceed-rank, so he couldn't sense it.

"It seems that when you two came in, that eye entered inside," Yueha narrowed her eyes, "I briefly released my spiritual detection barrier and it snuck in. From the looks of it, someone is observing us through this eye."

Aleron looked at the eyeball pinched between his fingers and used soul force with Magilore to destroy it, "Well, it's gone now. But I feel like I have an idea who it is."

Aleron grinned, 'Goddess Elysia. Well, if she is alerted then I shouldn't slack or be careless from now on.'

He wasn't sure, but his gut feeling told him it was probably the Goddess.