Grand Zim Auction House, Aleron's Wealth

"Welcome to the Grand Zim Auction House, everyone! I see that the house is full today, hahaha."

In the huge hall with cascading seatings numbering 1000 and 100 VIP booths, a big platform opened its curtains facing the audience or rather customers as a man wearing a black suit and black hat welcomed everyone after walking forward.

The auction officially began.

"We have some good haul today, so everyone is in for a treat as long as they have the dough," the man said with a smile. "Give us the dough and we shall give you the cookies. With that, let's start the auction with a treasure from the battlefield zone!"

"Not just any treasure, ladies and gentlemen. It is a completely intact and working treasure of high quality, one of the best items in today's auction!"

A few people arrived from behind the stage, bringing with them a trolly that held a covered square container.