My Fault

"Caleb…" I took a deep breath and looked down to avoid his intense and needy gaze. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't think I am quite ready to give what you desire."

"What? You can't be serious." He laughed and grabbed his phone from my hand. He slipped the phone in his pocket and then took my purse next. And he asked while restlessly shaking my purse, "Come on, babe. Where's the key?"

"Caleb, I am being serious." I took my purse from his hand and gave him an apologetic look. "I'm not mentally prepared for it. I'm sorry."

He was still not backing down. "Then I will help you get prepared. Please. It's too late to get cold feet now." He put his arms around my waist and tightly pressed my body against his. "Not when you've got me this hard. You can't leave me hanging now," he impatiently whispered in my ear, begging almost.

He was super aroused, to say the least, and I felt sorry for turning him down. However, I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't ready.