The Battle

I heard loud growling noises coming from behind me. The growling sounds soon turned into the noises of gnashing of teeth and snapping of jaws, quickly followed by almost pitiful whimpers and loud thuds. I also heard sounds of bones cracking, a lot of them.

I didn't need to look back to know who was winning the battle.

However, to get a chance to see the alpha in a real battle was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The adrenaline rush that I got from hearing the sounds of the battle got me so pumped up that I slowly pulled my hand and leg from under the wolf's giant head and with great effort, I sat up, resting my back against the dead wolf.

I should have been scared upon seeing the horrible sight before my eyes.

Two werewolves were already dead. Their body lay on the ground, all mangled up with several open wounds caused by biting and slashing of claws. One wolf was even missing its hind leg. And there was blood everywhere.