Human Territory

"Valerie? Are you sleeping?"

I woke up feeling disoriented when I heard someone. It took me a moment to realize that it was Caleb because the room was already somewhat dark.

Caleb was crouching beside my bed and was staring at me with kind eyes. "How are you feeling? I heard from Myra that you have a fever."

"I took a medicine to reduce the fever." I pressed my palm against my forehead and mumbled sleepily, "I don't think I still have it."

"Let me check." Caleb pressed his forehead against mine and nodded his head. "Looks like it is gone now." He quickly straightened his back and then took something out from his pocket. "Here. You should take it before you forget."

I narrowed my eyes and looked at his hand, trying to figure out what he was holding. "What is it?"

"Morning-after pills."