
After freshening up, I hadn't even had a chance to bite on the plain toast that Julia had prepared for me when I unmistakably heard a car pulling up at Julia's driveway. By now, I recognized the sound of this car's engine too. After all, I had been hearing it quite too often lately.

"I think Caleb is here." I looked up and Julia, and when I saw that deep frown on her forehead, I was a hundred percent sure. I sighed and put the toast back on the plate. "I told him not to come!" I grunted as I lightly dusted off the crumbs from my fingers and got up from the chair.

"Where do you think you're going?" Julia gestured for me to sit back down. "I will go open the door for that ass– for your mate. You finish your breakfast."

I gave her a slight glare because I had been warning her she would slip up someday, and she almost did! Caleb had a shaper hearing than most werewolves; he could have heard her.