Twisting the Truth

Luna Rudina gladly took the alpha's hand and got up on her feet. "Of course. I've been waiting for the day to end so that I could finally see your face, have dinner together, spend some time cuddling, and then sleep." She had a wide smile on her face as the alpha wrapped her in a warm embrace.

"I missed you too, Rudy," Alpha Helblaze spoke in an earnest tone. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to give much time to you these days. I promise to make it up to you after I sort out the issues that have taken most of my time lately."

"I understand." Luna Rudina craned her neck and smiled at her mate. "Don't worry too much about me, you already have a lot on your plate. Besides," she looked at me and added, "Valerie has promised that she will be visiting me more frequently. I will feel less lonely if she is around."

"Is that so, Valerie?"

I was a little flustered when the alpha looked at me for confirmation.