
"Young Master?" There was a soft knock on the door from Myra and Caleb answered, "Come in."

"I brought the breakfast for you both as you asked."

I tried to get up from the bed when I heard the trolley rolling into the room, but Caleb tightened his arm around my waist and didn't let me move an inch. My face flushed because Caleb and I were still spooning, and Myra probably saw it all. At least I was glad that we were facing the other way.

"Leave it there and go," Caleb commanded Myra.

After we heard the door slamming shut, Caleb kissed my shoulder and got up. "Let's eat. We both spent a lot of energy yesterday night." He teasingly pinched my lips and leaned down to kiss my puckered lips.

He helped me sit comfortably by stacking a few pillows behind my back. Then he straightened the blanket and placed a tray with warm black tea and fresh banana bread on my lap. "Breakfast on the bed for my Princess," he said with a whimsical grin.