Waa this formation the reason that there was no mist here? Eren couldn't be certain. If that was the case, it meant that the entire city was one big formation that was absorbing the essence of death. But for what reason?
His attention was soon drawn to a commotion further down the market. A group of people had gathered around a raised platform, their voices being loud. Curious, Eren made his way towards the crowd.
As he drew closer, he saw a man standing on the platform, his voice being heard across the marketplace. He was advertising the wares of a nearby merchant.
Eren lightly shook his head. He had thought that something interesting was happening, but it was quite boring for him. He made his way towards the north.
Suddenly, the man's voice faltered. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he pointed a trembling finger towards the edge of the crowd.
"Look!" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "It's… it's a Dragonkin!"