Wedding in Ten Days

Beryl jumped off her horse easily. "Please take her to the stables," she said to the guard who rushed toward her. He bowed and accepted the reins from her, moving toward the side of the castle.

Bel's boots made a swish sound against the lawn. "Mother," she said, rushing up the stairs. "What happened?"

The guards that accompanied her came down from their horses and bowed to the Queen.

Her mother stood at the top of the stairs, just in front of the doors beaming at her. Her elder sister, Hazel stood right next to her. Hazel's expression was hard to read.

Beryl frowned, she had rushed to the castle from her usual rounds because a servant had told her the queen wanted her at the castle urgently. She had thought for sure something was wrong but by the look on her mother's face that was not the case.

"What's going on?" She looked at Hazel and then turned back to her mother.

"Won't you give your mother a hug first? You have been out all day," she said, spreading out her arms with a proud look on her face.

"I know but the current disease is getting out of hand," she explained as got closer to her mother.

"I hope you didn't exert yourself too much." Queen Eleanor wasted no time in wrapping her arms around her daughter.

"I tried not to but having to heal the same people every three days is starting to get annoying." Bel pulled away from her mother as she spoke.

"I thought Isaiah came up with a medicine to treat it." Queen Eleanor peered up at her daughter with pride.

Bel sighed, "Yes, he did but the people have to go to work and feed their family. They can't do that if they are bedridden since the medicine takes a full week to take effect."

"Don't exert yourself," her mother said sternly. "It isn't a life-threatening illness. It will pass if you leave it alone. Besides, treating the source will be better than dealing with symptoms."

"I know, Mother but I just can't stand by and watch." The source was goblins dealing with the vermin was harder than treating a few people.

"If you insist, Bel."

"I insist, mother." She turned to her sister. "What is this about? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the wedding?"

"Well, is it so terrible that I came out to greet you?" Hazel asked with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"No, I would never say that. However, I thought something was wrong. It doesn't look to be the case and no one is telling me what's going on. I know you wouldn't call me in the middle of work hours to chit-chat."

"Don't be so impatient, Bel. At least freshen up first, you have been riding in the sun," her mother said, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Just tell me what this is about already."

"Alright, let's go in then," Queen Eleanor replied.

Beryl squinted her eyes but didn't argue, she could use a drink and probably something to eat. Using magic always left her with a big appetite.

The guards bowed as they walked through the huge front doors. They were made from thick woods and Bel thought they were unnecessarily big. They were heavy too, she could never open them by herself.

The huge foyer greeted them. The beautiful painting of an Angel on the ceiling was always going to be breathtaking. It had been there for as long as she could remember. The artist was long dead.

Beryl didn't have time to dwell on it today as her mother quickly led her up the stairs with two guards tailing them.

Beryl frowned and turned to look at her elder sister but she knew Hazel would never betray their mother. Not even for her. She didn't like the knot in her stomach.

Queen Eleanor stopped in front of the door to her room, waiting for a guard to open it.

"Mother," Beryl called. "This is your room."

"I know, you said you couldn't wait so we will discuss it in my room."

Her mother was beaming at her. Her long luscious hair framed her slender face. Her wavy dark brown hair was the only thing she got from her mother.

Everything else had a mix of her father in it while Hazel was the replica of her mother. They even sounded alike.

"As you wish, mother." She walked through the doors as a guard held it open.

The guard bowed and shut the door behind them. Beryl looked around her mother's room. It was obvious that her mother didn't spend much time here, nothing was out of place.

"Have a seat," her mother said, gesturing to the bed.

Beryl didn't like how hard her mother was fighting back her smile. She didn't comment on this and did as her mother requested. Hazel sat beside her and placed her palm on her thigh.

"We had a visitor today and they brought the most wonderful news," she announced with glee. Her eyes sparkled with every word.

"What did they say?" Beryl asked, looking from her mother to her sister.

"You know how your sister is getting married in less than two weeks?"

"Yeah…" Beryl replied.

"Well, what do you say about it being a joint wedding?"

"I don't know. Who else is getting married?" She asked.

"You!" Her mother said brightly.

Beryl blinked, surely, she heard wrong. All that hunger must be the reason her ears were failing her. "Me?" She asked, flabbergasted.

"Yes," her mother nodded vigorously.

Beryl chuckled, this joke wasn't funny but she wanted to see where her mother was going with this. "Pray, tell me mother who the groom would be."

"The first Prince of Darkcrypt."

"The Vampire kingdom?" Beryl asked in horror.

"Yes," Queen Eleanor replied.

Beryl took a deep breath and stood to her feet. "I understand that you are concerned for me since Hazel's wedding is in a few days while your irreparable second daughter hasn't even shown any inclination in that direction. However, coming up with absurd stories is not the way to go about this mother. I can't believe you called me out for this. I am going back, I will see you in the evening." She rolled her eyes and headed for the door.

"Don't move another step, Beryl. It's not a joke. Prince Davien has expressed his desire to marry you as soon as possible."

"Davien?" She scoffed. "Calling a name doesn't make it sound any better."

"Your father has accepted," her mother called out. "You will marry Davien in ten days."

Beryl turned around and her eyes met her mother's, looking closely she could tell this wasn't a joke. She turned to look at her sister and Hazel couldn't meet her eyes.

Beryl felt all the blood pour down her face and almost immediately it rushed back up. She felt steam pour out the top of her head. Without saying a word, she turned on her heel and went out the door.