King Aaron

Bel winced as her father stopped a few feet from where she stood. Isaiah was already on one knee with his head bent to the ground.

His entourage were the knights of the castle. They were dressed to go to war. Each wore complete armor except for the helmet.

She looked at her father with disbelief, her mouth agape. She never would have predicted this. He could have sent out someone to call her, he didn't have to come himself.

She could only imagine the commotion he must have caused in the capital as he passed through.

He trotted towards her still on the horse. He looked down at her, his black hair blowing in the autumn winds.

He was dressed in his regalia. It was obviously not meant for riding which meant he had rushed after her. Bel winced, she didn't like this one bit. Her father wasn't the type to do unnecessary things. He was usually calm and logical.

"Daughter," he called, looking down at her.

"Father," she called darkly. She has recovered from the shock and now her displeasure was as clear as day. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked with a smile. "I have come to get you, Bel."

"You have no reason to do that, I know my way home. If you want me home, a guard would have sufficed. You didn't have to come here, yourself."

"How else would I let you know how important this is?" He smiled. "Besides, I am more than happy to come fetch you myself."

Bel took a deep breath. She didn't like the tone he was using, there wasn't a shred of anger in it. He was speaking to her as though he had all the patience in the world.

She turned her back on him. "You shouldn't have come. I will come home when I am ready. I still have a lot of work to do."

"Then I will wait for you," he replied. "Isaiah, do you think I would be able to get me a seat?"

"Of course, Your Eminence," he replied and scrambled to his feet. "I will get one right away."

"No!" Bel yelled, turning around to look at her father. Her words halted Isaiah and he stood stiff. "You can't stay here," she cried.

"Why not?" He asked.

"You know why," she cried.

By the sounds coming from the clinic, the patients were already gathering at the windows to get a glimpse at the king but that wasn't the only problem.

The townspeople were gathering around the field, coming closer. They kept enough distance but Bel was sure they would only increase as long as her father remained here.

Her presence didn't mean so much anymore as they were used to seeing her every day. Her father on the other hand rarely left the castle walls except it was important. She had to get him out of here, even Isaiah was acting like a broken doll.

"I don't," he said and started to get off his horse.

"Don't," she replied.

"I am not leaving here without you." His eyes said he meant every single word.

I am not marrying some vampire, Bel almost yelled out but she held her tongue.

"My princess," he called. It was a pet name he called Bel and Hazel. She thought it was lazy as they were princesses and his daughter.

Bel hated that he knew he had the upper hand, at least in this situation. She was sensible enough to know she couldn't let him sit in front of the clinic.

Bel sighed and walked towards Brian, the guard didn't even get a chance to put him in the stables. He handed the reins to her and Bel climbed the horse.

"Isaiah," she called. "I will see you tomorrow. Hiyahh!"

She spun Brian and rode off without saying anything, leaving nothing but dust in her wake.

Her father rushed after her, catching up to her easily even with his uncomfortable clothing. Bel grimaced, she had expected nothing less. After all, he was the one who had taught her how to ride.

She could tell he was trying to speak to her as they rode but Bel made sure to put enough distance between them to prevent that.

When the broad lonely path that led directly to the castle appeared, Bel picked up the pace, urging Brian to go as fast as he could.

"Bel, slow down," her father called after her but of course, she wasn't listening. She rushed up the hill, bending her torso slightly to give Brian enough more momentum.

The guards by the gates were prepared this time. Pulling up the gates even before she got close enough but she figured it was probably because her father was here.

She stopped in front of the front stairs to see her mother and sister standing at the exact spot they had earlier. At the top of the stairs just in front of the castle doors.

Even from this distance, she could clearly see the concerned look on her mother's face. Bel winced and got off her horse.

A servant already moved closer to take Brian from her. She let go of him and walked towards the stairs. Simultaneously her father got off his horse as he arrived.

Bel walked up the stairs without looking back even though she was fully aware her father was behind her. Her mother stretched her hands towards her but brought them down almost immediately.

She walked past her mother and sister and the guards bowed to her before pushing the doors open. She walked in hearing footsteps behind her.

"Bel," it was her father who called. "I'd like to have a word."

"Not now," she said without looking back or turning around.

"It is important," he replied.

"I am sure it can wait a couple of hours. I am famished."

"After dinner then?" He asked.

Bel shrugged and took the stairs leading to her room. She didn't think she was ready for what her father wanted to say.

A small part of her was concerned that he would manage to convince her but that was impossible as she wouldn't marry some strange vampire.