Red Flowers

Bel didn't budge at the knock on her door. She already retired for the night and nothing was getting her out of bed, not even to greet the Royal Vampire family.

Besides, it was past midnight. She would have fallen asleep if she could but unfortunately, anxiety kept her awake.

To think it was the night of their arrival already. She wished she had more time, her horrible fate was closer now than ever. If she thought she would be able to slither her way out of her current situation, it was looking less likely now.

She hasn't seen eye to eye with her father since she fled his presence. It was not from a lack of him not trying. She has gone out of her way to avoid him as much as she could.

"Princess Bel," the servant whispered. "The Queen seeks your presence."

Bel didn't respond, she just rolled on her side and covered her ears with her pillow. After a long moment of silence she could tell the servant took the hint and left.

She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Just as she was falling asleep she heard an even louder knock and the door was thrown open.

"We have guests to receive," her mother said, walking towards her bed. Hazel was closely behind her. Of course, her mother came with her emotional support.

"You have guests to receive," she replied and turned away from her mother, still lying down.

Her mother gasped, her soft sound filled the whole room. "You are awake?" Her mother cried in horror. "Didn't the servants come to get you? You aren't even dressed."

"Who shows up in the middle of the night to someone's house? It's hours past midnight, I am not getting out of bed," she mumbled.

"Bel, I thought we were through with this. You have to receive your husband-to-be. You can't be in bed the first night of their arrival."

"You would have to drag me out of bed," Bel responded. "If they want to be received so much they can wait till morning."

"Are you trying to be funny, Bel? You know vampires can't be out in the sun."

"How is that my problem?" She asked.

Queen Eleanor gasped and staggered, Hazel supported her, stopping her from falling.

"You truly have no intention of welcoming them with us?" Queen Eleanor asked.

"No, now please let me sleep. You all are going to do what you want regardless of my wishes. How I behave in respect of that shouldn't be so shocking."

"Hazel," Queen Eleanor said, squeezing her daughter's hand. "Please speak some sense to your sister. She won't even listen to her own mother. What did I do wrong?"

"Mother," Hazel said, her voice a little stern. "Bel doesn't have to receive them. I am sure she had a tiring day and she has to be up again in a few hours. Healing our people must have taken a toll more than she is ever willing to admit. I am sure they wouldn't be too angry if she missed the welcome."

"Are you sure?" Queen Eleanor asked.

"I am, if they are going to cause an uproar over such a small mishap, maybe we might have to reconsider this."

"We won't be reconsidering anything. I am sure they will be understanding. We shall tell them she is under the weather. Yes, that's what we will do. I am sure they will likely be forgiving if they hear she is sick. Let's go," Queen Eleanor said.

"As you wish, mother."

Bel turned her head to see her sister wave goodbye before she slipped out of the door and it closed behind them.

Bel sat up immediately. She was grateful to Bel and angry with her mother. She was moving before she could even think about it.

Taking the lamp on her bedside table, she lit up the candles in her room to illuminate the space enough for her to see.

She pulled open her wardrobe. She should have called for her maids but she didn't want anyone to know of her plan.

She smirked to herself as she thought of the horrified look on her parents' faces. She had to move fast. From the commotion she could hear, the Royal family were already inside the castle walls.

Which meant any minute from now they would walk through the front doors. She needed to be in position by then, a position where she could be clearly seen.

Bel didn't care what dress she put her hands on as long as the dress could be worn without any hassle and it was bright enough to be seen.

Bel almost laughed when she saw the dress she had pulled out. It was a white dress with bright red flowers littered all around it.

Even in the dark wardrobe, she could clearly see the bright red the flowers were. It didn't help that the base was white. She would be a walking rainbow.

She slipped into the dress as quickly as she could. Usually, the dress would be worn with side hoops but there was no way she would be able to do that.

Tightening the bodice by herself was much harder than she thought. When she finally tied the ropes she didn't need anyone to tell her she had done a terrible job, she could tell.

Not that it mattered, nobody would see it though. All that mattered was that she stood out, she doubted they would care if the ropes behind her back were aligned properly.

Bel slipped out of her room just as she heard the front doors creak up. She ran the length of the way, she didn't have any time to put shoes on.

She got into position, standing at the top of the grand staircase overlooking the ground floor.

The grand staircase was directly aligned with the front door and it was the first thing one was likely to see first.

She knew they were positioned in the left wing; however, they would have to walk through the front doors before making their way to the left side of the castle.