Bride to be

"No!" Bel said with every fiber of her bone. Hearing her mother rambling had cracked her patience, and she couldn't pretend any longer. 

It took her everything not to slam her hand on the table but she didn't want to overreact, she feared that it truly showed her helplessness and she wanted to avoid that.

"No?" Her mother sounded flabbergasted, as though Bel's refusal was unexpected, while her father stopped eating and turned his gaze to Bel.

"No!" She looked up at her mother, her gaze unfaltering.

"If you are worried about Hazel, she already agreed to this, and I am sure Chance wouldn't oppose it, so there is no reason for you to decline. You are a pretty good dancer, and I know you will pick up the steps very quickly. I am a little worried about Davien, but I'm sure he will be fine," Queen Eleanor went on, not noticing the disgusted look on her daughter's face.