A Messenger

"That's great news," she heard herself say. Usually, this was the part where she would have said, 'No wedding was happening' but she couldn't.

"It is, isn't it?" Her father beamed. "I know that things between us have been a little rough but your mother said you are coming around and you just needed some time to warm up to the idea. I can see that's the case."

Bel blinked, he thought she had accepted. She could say no but she could only imagine how the rest of the conversation would go. It would leave a bad taste in her mouth.

He was here to tell her the conclusion. Not ask for her input or thoughts on the matter. He was simply here to let her know that Vampires have started fulfilling their end of the bargain and it was time for her to stop her tantrums.

She couldn't believe her mother had said she was coming around. Somehow, she wasn't surprised. She should have known from her attitude. Seeming a little too agreeable.