Three Nights

Bel narrowed her eyes at her sister's words. She couldn't deny that it felt really good to put on such a perfect dress, even if it wasn't yet perfect. She didn't really get the whole "bride" feeling.

"I am going to marry Davien, aren't I?" Bel suddenly asked.

Her sister's expression fell. "I'm afraid you are. It's not as bad as you—"

"I didn't say it was. I just need to confirm that my fate is sealed, and I won't wake up tomorrow realizing this is all a bad dream and my hope of marrying the one I love can still be fulfilled."

"Bel," her sister cried, closing the gap between them and placing her arm around Bel as she comforted her.

Bel only let her sister hold her for a few seconds before she pulled away and stood to her feet. "Do you think Father is done with his meeting now?" She asked. "I really need to have a word with him. At this point, lunch would arrive before I get any chance to speak with him."