Wedding Day

Bel woke up with a start, sitting upright. Nothing had woken her up but she could tell she had been pulled out of her dream forcefully. She touched her temples, her head hurt. She couldn't tell if it was because of what day today was or the fact that she had woken up feeling like she had been hit by a rock.

She looked to her side and Malissa was still sleeping peacefully, she didn't look to have a care in the world and Bel envied her. People like Malissa and her sister adapt easily to change, but she didn't.

She rolled her legs off the side of the bed. She should go back to sleep. Today was such a busy day she knew the more sleep she got the better for her because who knows when she would be able to get any sleep.

She truly was going through with this, it was still hard to believe. Surely, it couldn't be too late to call the wedding off even though it was about twelve hours away.