
Bel sat in the drawing room. It was the same drawing-room she had been introduced to the vampires, but right now, it was empty. She glanced at the unlit fireplace. There wasn't any burnt wood, coal, or ash, indicating that the fireplace hadn't been used in a while.

She stared at it for a few seconds before she pulled her gaze away. She had spent the first couple of moments after her bath roaming the left wing, but there had been nothing to hold her attention, and now she was here, waiting for the sun to set.

She stared at the table on her right, enjoying the sight of the flame reaching past the tip of the string. No matter how hard the flame tried, it could never touch the ceiling. It could exceed the string all it wanted, but that was the extent of its flame, and once the candle was burnt out, the flame would extinguish as if it never existed. Its warmth might linger, but even that would soon be forgotten. Bel didn't like this train of thought, so she looked away.