The Gazebo

Unfortunately, her father wasn't in his bedroom, and it wasn't until she got there that she discovered no one was there except a servant who was cleaning the room and preparing it for bedtime. Thankfully, he told her where the King was, and she made her way there. 

He was in the drawing room. The servant didn't sound as if he was alone, but Bel didn't care. After dinner, she was sure she could have a word with him. At most, he would be with Chance's father. 

She didn't bother knocking, and the guards in front of the drawing room gave her an odd look when she appeared, but none of them stopped her from barging into the room.

As soon as Bel stepped in, she immediately regretted her decision. It was partly due to the horror on her father's face and the figure that sat across from him. Bel winced and immediately bent her knees.