
"Who the Crown Prince is about to get married to isn't that important," Dragoon said. "However, we need to hear the words from your lips that this isn't some propaganda you came up with."

"Oh, relax your old horses. Even if it is, she isn't just any human. You couldn't get anyone better. A Haelan Princess. Having such powers behind Darkcrypt is enough to have kingdoms vying for your attention. Instead of offering thanks to me, all I get is criticism for my actions. Besides, if you don't want her, you can always toss her out after she has healed the prince. You all worry about the most inconsequential of things. Maybe you need to step out of Darkcrypt. Being underground for so long has made you all senile!"

"Hold your tongue, woman! You shan't speak to the Elders like that," a different elder replied.

Misha glanced his way and cocked her neck to the side. "Who is going to stop me?" she asked.