Brian’s Safety

Bel knew the instant they went through the castle gates. The sounds as the gates lifted from the concrete ground were too familiar to mistake for anything else. Bel pushed the curtains aside and poked her head out, she could see the gates in the distance.

Bel looked until it hurt to keep looking at the gates. She reluctantly pulled her head back into the carriage and leaned against the seat. The carriages went down the hill and soon enough Bel could tell they were going through the capital. It would take them at least three hours to get out of the capital and from there, she wasn't sure where they would be headed.

She knew Darkcrypt was located underground, but that was all she knew about it. That was all most people knew about it, as people who went in never came out. Humans didn't do business in Darkcrypt. Bel ground her teeth as she thought about this. Perhaps she should have asked questions, but it was a little too late now.