
His palm was firm under hers as Bel jumped to the ground. She staggered a little, but he supported her with just his palm. After confirming she was good, he pulled his hand away, tucked it to his side, and took a step back, but not before staring intensely at her face. His state made her a little uncomfortable and she frowned.

Bel took a step forward, her eyes adjusting to the light from the orb. The light cast long, eerie shadows, making the place seem even more otherworldly. The path ahead was uneven, the floor made of packed earth and loose stones. 

The walls of the cave were rough and jagged, covered in patches of moss and lichen that glowed faintly in the light. Stalactites hung from the ceiling, their sharp points glistening with moisture.

"That's about enough," Davien suddenly said. "I wouldn't want you to stray too much. The light doesn't extend too far on this pathway, and anything could be lurking."

"Oh," Bel said and stopped walking.