Davien's Chambers

Bel followed Giselle through the side door and down a narrow corridor. The air grew cooler as they walked, and the sounds of the hall faded into almost silence. They passed a series of heavy, wooden doors that reminded her of the wood that made the entrance of her father's castle. Finally, Giselle stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor.

"This is Prince Davien's chambers," Giselle said, pushing the door open and stepping aside to let Bel enter.

Bel hesitated for a moment before stepping inside. The chambers were divided into two distinct areas: a drawing room and what could be assumed as a bedroom. These rooms were separated by a set of heavy double doors.

The first room was expectedly vast. Seeing the hall, Bel had expected nothing less. Heavy, dark curtains framed the window, which was partially drawn, their rich fabric adorned with intricate patterns that seemed woven into the material rather than added as decoration.