A Threat

Bel did her best to smile at her, and Davien gave her a wink, seeming a little too proud of himself. However, she couldn't help but be impressed by the fact that he was able to talk to his mother about it without her getting offended. At no point did she seem angry, even though some of the things he said would have set anyone off.

He didn't have to do that for her, but she was certainly very uncomfortable with calling the vampire anything other than "Queen". She would rather call her "Your Highness". Saying her name was already too informal for her, even though she added "Queen" to it.

The conversation with the Queen was pretty brief. She had simply asked Bel a few questions and had told her if she needed anything, she should not be afraid to ask. Bel realized her thoughts about the Queen were still the same. She was nice in a way that could be overbearing sometimes.