
"Yes," the stable boy replied and handed the reins to Bel. 

She accepted and let them hang freely. She rubbed his coat affectionately, and he leaned into her hugs. It was funny how her first thought was to ride him, but she knew he needed his rest. As much as he would be excited to go around the field, it was best he did that without a rider.

"Anything you don't like?" Davien asked, clearly watching her very closely.

Bel jerked her head in his direction. "Not yet."

"Not yet?" Davien asked with an amused expression. "Well then, tell me when you do," he added.

She turned her head away from him and looked at Brian. The horse had pulled away from her and was walking toward the grass. She could hear other horses coming from the stable. She poked her head in, but it wasn't enough to see anything.

"Are you just going to stand and watch him eat?" Davien asked, walking closer to her.

"I can do whatever I want," she said and folded her arms.