Seeing Cerberus

Bel felt hands wrap around her waist, lifting her off the bed. She tried to fight them off but was too drowsy to do so and weakly gave in. The next time she opened her eyes, the lights were back on, and she was alone in bed, now sleeping in a vertical position. It was obvious, she had been moved.

Bel sat up with a loud curse. The door burst open to reveal Giselle. "Is everything alright, Princess?" the vampire asked, a frown on her face.

Bel offered a stiff smile. "I think I had a bad dream," she lied. More like a bad reality. She didn't like what she could tell had happened, especially when she could vaguely remember someone moving her. How did she not wake up?

"Oh, I am so sorry about that, Princess. Perhaps I should have woken you up before that happened, but His Highness said not to bother you as you were probably still stressed from the day before."