
"Throwing a spear at it is not the way to go," she scolded him. She had watched it, any lower and he would have pierced through one of Cerberus heads.

"He threw it first and it's not a spear," Davien said. "I was merely returning it."

"He doesn't know any better; he's an animal."

Davien gave her a dumbfounded look. "How did this turn around to be in Cerberus's favor? He literally just tried to eat you."

"That's why he turned out like this. He has such a terrible owner."

Davien gasped; it sounded exaggerated. "That's not what you say to someone who you literally owe your life to and who took off their shirt for you."

Bel blinked as he spoke, realizing he was half-naked. She turned away from him and started for the stairway.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you," she said, not stopping her walk.